Waking up. What does that mean to you? Hitting the alarm clock as fast as possible to halt the heart wrenching sound of sirens going off beside your head!? Haha, can you tell I really don’t like the sound of alarm clocks?

For me, waking up can mean so many different things- from setting the alarm (thankfully with ascending volume of a peaceful melody nowadays) to having another aha! moment while working with kids, talking to a friend or reading a book or website.

The path of Life has so many twists and turns, sunshine around one bend and a dark storm cloud looming around the next. I think I have always been a free-spirit at heart, but life can sometimes lead us to put up walls, create boundaries where there were none before, and believe that we need to live within them in order to “attain success.” I’ve spent a good part of my life fighting against the feeling of this while also increasing my belief in it being the right way to live. The inner turmoil has been real. And then, after a string of many days, certainly not all in a row, I read the right books and talked to the right people and prayed and meditated and drew and slept and ate and Lived, into a new way of being. I have a new belief now, or rather a remembered expectation, that “success” is nothing to attain, but rather something to live. There is no end of the road, no destination really, because it is in our nature to want more, to want different and new as soon as we arrive. Ha!! The joy, the bliss, the SUCCESS, is in each moment! If we live each moment with intent and happiness, the success we were seeking can unfold and more will come and more and more and more. And the best part is, we get to feel successful at every single step along the road, not just for an instant prior to setting a new goal, a new destination, a new meaning of success. And the cool part is, I know that not everyone will agree with me, and I’m so okay with that. Everyone has their own path and their personal stories that have led them down it until today. But I also know that we each have a new opportunity every single day when we swing our feet around to touch the floor. When we stretch up high and take that first deep breath, we can choose to focus on what we don’t want out of life or we can choose to focus on the feeling of being the best versions of ourselves. If we choose happy thoughts, no matter what reality is happening on the other side of the bedroom door, Life will give us happier things. It’s a building process, for sure, and like any new habit it takes some practice. But if practice had the potential to give you everything you ever dreamed of, wouldn’t it be worth it!?

More from me:  ThreeLittleBirdsLOA.blogspot.com


  1. Love this! You have inspired me to do exactly this and life is so much better! No dwelling on silly things anymore.

  2. I can so relate! I too consider myself a free spirit. I too have had those walls and broke them down. Followed the trail from book to book, from teach to teacher to a place where I can now say I am steady in my own understanding how I believe life works. It really frees our spirit when we can pursue our own path without needing others to agree.

    While I am clear that I don't need others to agree, I also love it when I come across a person who does think like me. You are clearly one of them. Loved everything about this. Thank you for showing up for my blog so I got to come here too. I hope we get to enjoy more interactions like this.

    1. Oh Yvon, this is awesome 👏😎 Thanks so much. I do too- will have to check back on your blog again! Insight Timer has been such a great tool for meeting new people, expressing ideas, taking on new challenges, etc. Appreciative that it facilitated our meeting.


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