Baby steps

Do you ever have so many ideas, you don’t know where to start?  And then you don’t?  It's frustrating isn’t it?  And a shame, because hidden within all those ideas, there are probably one or two that could change your life or the lives of someone you know…. 

I struggle with this daily.  I am excited about life and passionate about the development of young children and their families.  I get excited, I come up with ideas, and then I sit on them.  I have many supportive family members, friends and employers (who often feel like family members and friends :-) who encourage me on a daily basis, and yet I sit.  I’ve often come to a point in which I know I am letting others down.  Why does this happen?  Why do some humans (for I know I am not alone on this) get excited and then just let the excitement go?  

I am not sure about the answer (and part of me wants to delve in and start researching human nature and psychology and totally go off on another tangent… often the cause of not doing what I say I'm going to do... and so I’m choosing to let that question go unanswered today).  My solution for now, is to start taking baby steps.  

Today I will post this little nothing tale of getting unstuck.  Tomorrow I will post another, and the next day another.  I have spent about 15 years thinking and talking about starting a business.  I am young, unmarried, I do not own a house and just purchased my first car!  I am ripe to start something good, and the time to settle for "comfortable" is over.  

I am living in Philly for the Immediate time-being, but I will head back to Yuma, AZ to be with Mom and my sis. I will share my passion for learning once again with the Yuma community, this  time with the love of my life at my side. Most people know I love young children, and its time to professionalize my passion, continuing to make a difference in the world one day at a time.  

Perhaps this makes sense, perhaps it does not.  I’m not even going to edit- because today, I need to take a step.  I need not take hours to write the perfect thing and potentially get distracted.  I am sure my vision will morph, and I hope my friends, colleagues, family, and maybe even some strangers, will help me to grow.  Yes, I understand that on the internet, that means possibly growing through insults and hard-to-take constructive criticism. I am ready to take it on.  I have started and stopped, started and stopped, started and stopped many a times before.  I pledge today to at least say hello to my online community every day.  

Hello :)  See you tomorrow!


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